Google Pagespeed Insights Checker

Search Engine Optimization

Pagespeed Insights Checker

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About Pagespeed Insights Checker

Check the page load time

Users no longer have the patience to wait for the website to get loaded, they need high performance so that the contents of website should get loaded as soon as they click. Evey website owner wants to focus on website page speed as it can impact the business adversely. With PageSpeed Insights checker tool you can easily xamine the response speed of the pages of your website and can identity ways to make your site response in a faster way.

How to use this tool?

This Page insights checker tool is very easy to use and can determine the page speed of your website in minutes. All you need is to enter the URL of the site and our tool will provide a complete report of page speed checking performed. A score will be provided to determine the performance. Moreover, this tool will also suggest the ways possible to improve the performance.